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Tournament Executed in Florence for the Marriage of Grand Duke Ferdinand II, 1637. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Arms with a Dedication to Grand Duke Ferdinand II. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Le Nozze degli Dei: Frontispiece, 1637. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Arms of the Medici with Della Rovere, 1637. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
The Wedding of the Gods: Second Scene, Diana, 1637. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Sixth scene, the heavens, from 'The marriage of the gods' (Le nozze degli Dei), 1637. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Frontispiece for Dialogo di Galileo Galilei, 1632. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Carousel in Florence for the Marriage of The Grand Duke Ferdinand II, 1637. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Landscape with goats grazing near a river and a figure in the right foreground, from a ser..., 1638. Creator: Ercole Bazicaluva.
Landscape with peasant dwellings and a man leading a horse in the left foreground, from a ..., 1638. Creator: Ercole Bazicaluva.